CRASIS 2025 Annual Conference "Approaching the Ancient World from Below"
Dear CRASIS Network,
On behalf of the CRASIS Board, we are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the CRASIS 2025 Annual Conference. This year’s meeting will take place on Friday, 14th February 2025, with the theme:
"Approaching the Ancient World from Below" - This year’s CRASIS Masterclass and Annual Meeting is dedicated to studying what has been called ‘the other 99%’: the worlds, realities, and lived experience of millions of non-elite individuals who populated the wider Mediterranean world in antiquity. This interdisciplinary theme examines challenges such as the limited representativeness of sources, the silencing of certain groups along axes like ethnicity, gender, and class, and the biases within scholarly disciplines that have historically centered on elite narratives.
Location: Court Room, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies (Oude Boteringestraat 38, Groningen)
Registration Details:
Deadline: 12th February 2025
Fee (includes lunch, tea, and coffee): €15 / Free for RuG students (cash or card accepted upon entrance)
Keynote lecture only: Free
Conference Programme:
Coffee, tea, and registration
10:00-10:10 – Opening remarks and welcome
10:10-11:10 – Keynote lecture by Prof. dr. Peter Kruschwitz (University of Vienna):
"Approaching the Ancient World from Below"
11:10-11:40 – Coffee and tea break
11:40-12:15 – Dr. Anna Moles (University of Groningen):
A Bioarchaeological Approach to Inequality in Ancient Greece
12:15-12:50 – Dr. Miriam Groen-Vallinga (Radboud University Nijmegen):
A Slave with Her Master’s Child: A Revised Osteobiography for Two Victims from Herculaneum
12:50-14:10 – Lunch break
14:10-14:45 – Dr. Miko Flohr (Leiden University):
Antiquity from the Ground Up? Architecture and Lived Inequality in Roman Italy
14:45-15:20 – Dr. Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz (International University of Catalonia):
Ticius Lawless? Commercial Epigraphy and the Dynamics of Roman Trade
15:20-15:40 – Coffee and tea break
15:40-16:15 – Dr. Davide Massimo (University of Nottingham):
Working Class Hero? Leonidas of Tarentum’s Poetry of the Common Folk
16:15-16:50 – Dr. Jacqueline Klooster (University of Groningen):
As It Has Never Been Told Before…? Aspects of Current Mythological Retellings from a Female Perspective
16:50-17:25 – Dr. Eelco Glas (University of Groningen, Aarhus University):
Vivid Representation and Victims of Forced Displacement in Jewish Literature in Greek (2nd Century BCE-1st Century CE)
Closing remarks by chair
Drinks and reception (open to all)
Dinner at Weeva (for registered participants)
To register for the conference, please use the following link:
Registration Form
For more information on the conference, please see here.
We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event. Please feel free to share this announcement with colleagues and students who may be interested. For further inquiries, you are welcome to reply to this email correspondence.
Best regards,