Stipendien und Forschungspreise
Mrz 12Mittwoch, 12. März 2025 10:41Der Logos Verlag Berlin feiert 2025 sein 30-jähriges Bestehen und fördert aus diesem Anlass wieder hervorragende Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen: Alle Doktorand:innen, deren Promotion mit mindestens "magna cum laude" bewertet wird, können sich für die Exzellenzinitiative bewerben.
Im Rahmen seiner Exzellenzinitiative finanziert der Logos Verlag Berlin die kostenfreie Veröffentlichung der Dissertationsschrift, wahlweise in den Formaten A5, B5 oder als Ökobuch, in der Standardausstattung des Verlags mit allen verlagsüblichen Leistungen und drei Freiexemplaren.
Zur Bewerbung sind folgende Unterlagen einzureichen:
- Ein Bewerbungsschreiben (1-2 Seiten), das insbesondere auf folgende Punkte eingehen soll:
- Relevanz des Themas
- Originalität der Arbeit
- Zielpublikum
- kurze Vita
- Die Arbeit als PDF-Datei
- Die Gutachten der Gutachter:innen
Alle Details zum Angebot finden Interessenten unter: - Ein Bewerbungsschreiben (1-2 Seiten), das insbesondere auf folgende Punkte eingehen soll:
Feb 20Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2025 10:02
University of Cambridge - Selwyn College
Centenary Research Fellowship 2025
£23,581 to £25,433 , Full Time, Fixed Term
Applications are invited for the stipendiary Centenary Research Fellowship in the following arts and humanities subjects: Anglo Saxon, Norse and Celtic, Architecture, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Classics, Digital Humanities, Divinity, English, Film Studies, History of Art, Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics, Music, and Philosophy.
Normally tenable for three years from 1 October 2025, the Fellowship is open to graduates of any University, with no age limit, but will normally be awarded to candidates who have recently completed their doctoral degree or are very close to completion. The function of this Fellowship is as an initial post doctoral position appropriate to the start of an academic career.
The prime duty of a Research Fellow will be to pursue research and they will be expected to provide a written report on the progress of their research each year.
The initial pensionable stipend for a Research Fellow with a PhD (and who does not already have a salaried position) is currently £23,581 rising to £25,433 in year 3. The non-incremental stipend for a Research Fellow without a PhD is currently £21,780. The stipend will rise to the figures quoted above upon submission of the doctoral thesis for examination. We also provide accommodation at highly subsidised rates.
Applicants who are shortlisted for interview will need to prove their eligibility to work in the UK. Please see: Right to work in the UK | Selwyn College<>
Further information with the link to the application system is available at CASC Fellowship Application System Login<>
Applications must be submitted online by 09.00 on Monday 17 March 2025
Feb 11Dienstag, 11. Februar 2025 09:14
Mark Depauw writes:
We are pleased to announce a new Visiting Fellowship for young postdocs (6 years of seniority or less) to interact with the Trismegistos databases, collaborate with the Trismegistos+ team and explore the world of the KU Leuven Research Institute LECTIO.
This LECTIO/Trismegistos+ Visiting Fellowship is one of six in the LECTIO program for the academic year 2025–2026, allowing international scholars working within LECTIO's areas of expertise to come to Leuven for a research stay of 4–6 weeks. Visiting Fellows are embedded in a faculty or a research unit of their academic host, encounter colleagues from LECTIO, discuss their project and often set up new collaborations. They also give a lecture or a seminar for the LECTIO community.
LECTIO and Trismegistos+ cover accommodation for the duration of stay and travel costs of up to 500€; we also take care of the practical arrangements. The fellowship is non-stipendiary.
Full information can be found on this page: The deadline is 16 March 2025.
Feb 07Freitag, 07. Februar 2025 12:30
University of Edinburgh
The School of History, Classics and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh is pleased to invite applications for a
one-year Teaching and Research Fellowship in Classical Languages and Literature.
The candidate will be required to teach Beginner’s Greek and two Honours Courses in Classical Literature in Translation (Year 3 and 4 UG). The candidate will also be required to offer undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation supervision. The starting date is 1 September 2025.
This post is fixed term (1st September 2025- 31st August 2026) and full-time (35 hours per week)
The salary scale for this post is UE07 £40,247 to £47,874 per annum. This post will be appointed at Grade UE07 Step1, which is £40,247 per annum.
Your skills and attributes for success:
* A PhD in Classics or an equivalent field.
* Ability to teach Greek.
* Ability to teach Classical Literature courses at advanced undergraduate level.
* Teaching experience at undergraduate level in Greek and in Classical Literature.
* Portfolio of excellent research, including in the form of recent or forthcoming publications in the field, commensurate with career stage.
Click to view a copy of the full job description<>
Application Information
Please ensure you include the following documents in your application:
- CV
- Cover letter
- Writing sample
- Document indicating plans for teaching as outlined in the job description
As a valued member of our team you can expect:
* A competitive salary
* An exciting, positive, creative, challenging and rewarding place to work.
* To be part of a diverse and vibrant international community
* Comprehensive Staff Benefits, such as a generous holiday entitlement, competitive pension schemes, staff discounts, and family-friendly initiatives. Check out the full list on our staff benefits page<> (opens in a new tab) and use our reward calculator to discover the total value of your pay and benefits
Championing equality, diversity and inclusion
The University of Edinburgh holds a Silver Athena SWAN award in recognition of our commitment to advance gender equality in higher education. We are members of the Race Equality Charter and we are also Stonewall Scotland Diversity Champions, actively promoting LGBT equality.
Prior to any employment commencing with the University you will be required to evidence your right to work in the UK. Further information is available on our right to work webpages<> (opens new browser tab).
The University may be able to sponsor the employment of international workers in this role. This will depend on a number of factors specific to the successful applicant.
Key dates to note
The closing date for applications is 28 February 2025.
Unless stated otherwise the closing time for applications is 11:59pm GMT. If you are applying outside the UK the closing time on our adverts automatically adjusts to your browsers local time zone.
Interviews will be held 14 March 2025. -
Jan 31Freitag, 31. Januar 2025 15:31
“Rethinking the Origins of Political Economy in the European World: Needs, Justice, and the Wealth of Nations”Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo (hereinafter “Fondazione 1563”) has since 2013 supported research and advanced training in the field of the humanities.
In a wider effort to pursue this goal, in 2020 Fondazione 1563 has launched the Turin Humanities Programme, a research initiative that allows junior scholars to work on interrelated research projects under the guidance of especially appointed Senior Fellows.
THP aims at promoting two-year research projects about relevant global history topics.
Under THP in 2020 Fondazione 1563 launched a first call for application for research on the Enlightenmnent legacy: the rights of man in a global perspective, in 2021 a second call for application for research on Political Thought and the Body: Europe and East Asia, ca. 1100-1650, in 2022 a third call for application for research on Slavery, ethnicity and race in the Mediterranean. Ideas and attitudes from Homer to Columbus, and in 2023 a fourth call for application for research on Slavery and Serfdom in Europe and the New World: Debates in the Early Modern Period.
Placed On: November 29th, 2024
Closes: February 17th, 2025, 12:00 PM (CET)
For more information please contact us: E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. -
Jan 25Samstag, 25. Januar 2025 13:06
The Lemmermann Foundation awards a limited number of fellowships to master's students and doctoral candidates in order to support their cost of research in the classical studies and humanities. Fields of study include but are not limited to Archaeology, History, History of Art, Italian, Latin, Musicology, Philosophy, and Philology. Applicants must provide evidence for their need to study and carry out research in Rome. Topic of research must be related to Rome or the Roman culture from the Pre-Roman period to the present day.
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Jan 23Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2025 20:39
University of Oxford - Lady Margaret Hall (LMH)
Randall MacIver Junior Research Fellowship in Classical Literature (Greek and/or Latin)
Full Time, Fixed Term
£38,674 per annum
The Governing Body of LMH invites applications for the Randall MacIver Junior Research Fellowship in Classical Literature. The post will be tenable from 1 September 2025 for a fixed term of two years. The Fellowship is offered for research in any area of Classical Literature (ancient Greek and/or Latin literature).
The postholder(s) will be required to deliver the teaching in-person at LMH.
To find out more about the College, please see our website<>.
The successful candidate will be expected to:
* Engage in research and its dissemination;
* Propose, plan and manage a high-quality programme of original research;
* Publicise the outcomes of that research through presentation of papers and publications;
* Undertake up to three hours of teaching per week during term time for the College, should teaching be available; and
* Engage in the life and activities of the College, including taking responsibility for the convening of an appropriate college event at least once a year.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be judged on the basis of the candidate's potential to undertake a significant and exciting programme of research in an area of Classical Literature as evidenced by their research proposal, publication record and academic references.
Essential Criteria
* Hold a PhD/DPhil, or be near to completion, with the realistic expectation of submission by 30 June 2025;
* A high level of research ability as demonstrated by a completed/very nearly completed doctoral thesis and/or published or forthcoming books, or articles in refereed journals, or promise of such achievement, as relevant to the candidate's field and career stage;
* A strong record of education: the successful candidate must have a good Honours degree (either 1st or upper 2nd), or for EU/international applicants a qualification equivalent to a good Honours degree;
* Have a coherent proposed research programme for the duration of the Fellowship, of a standard which will make a valuable contribution to the candidate's field and enhance the national and international profile of Classical Literature in the University;
* Be able to communicate well about the subject: have the ability to present research findings effectively to fellow professionals at international conferences or in professional research seminars, to undergraduate and graduate students, and to audiences not familiar with the subject area.
Desirable Criteria
* Teaching experience at university level or evidence of the ability to teach undergraduates of high quality.
The stipend, which includes three hours of teaching per week, will be £38,674 per annum (University Grade 7, stage 7.1) rising by one increment in year two and a research allowance of up to £1,000 per annum. You will also have access to a number of generous benefits.
The closing date for applications is noon on Friday 28 February 2025.
Interviews for shortlisted candidates will be held end of March/early April 2025.
Lady Margaret Hall is an Equal Opportunities Employer
Jan 21Dienstag, 21. Januar 2025 14:03
University of Oxford
Ref 177598
£38,674 to £46,913
The Gerald Averay Wainwright Fellow is a post-doctoral research fellowship role. The Fellow will carry out research addressing the archaeology (not literary or philological studies) of any period of the human past apart from that of Classical Antiquity (i.e. the sphere of influence of Classical Greek and Roman Worlds, between c. 600 BCE and 500 CE), from the Palaeolithic up to and including the medieval and post-medieval periods of any of the following countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cyprus, Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Palestine, Persia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Western Sahara, and Yemen. Priority is given to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey.
The primary emphasis is on completion of a significant piece of publishable research in the non-classical archaeology (not literary or philological studies) of any country or countries listed above.
You will be at an early stage of an academic career, having completed a doctorate not earlier than 1 January 2018 (excluding justified career breaks). You will be able to present a credible proposal for research and publication, have or plan to develop research impact and public engagement skills, and demonstrate excellent skills in preparing research findings for publication. The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate sufficient specialist knowledge in the discipline to develop an effective research programme, be able to develop a coherent, well-organised and deliverable programme of research, showing evidence of time management skills, setting priorities and meeting deadlines, and be able to analyse and research complex ideas, concepts or theories, and analyse data as appropriate.
The research may be conducted at any UK University with appropriate mentorship in these areas, with the appointee responsible for making hosting arrangements. This is a full-time, fixed-term position for 3 years from 1 September 2025.
Please note that, due to immigration restrictions, the option to be based at a university other than Oxford is only available to those with an existing right to work in the UK.
The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 19th February 2025
Jan 18Samstag, 18. Januar 2025 11:02
Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), Toronto, ON, Canada
Rebanks Postdoctoral Fellow - Art & Culture (12-24-month contract)
The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) is a cultural institution that showcases art, culture, and nature from around the world and across the ages. Among the top 10 cultural institutions in North America and Canada's largest and most comprehensive museum, ROM has a world-class collection of 18 million artworks, cultural objects, and natural history specimens, featured in 40 gallery and exhibition spaces.
ROM's mission is to transform lives by helping people to understand the past, make sense of the present, and come together to shape a shared future. The museum is known globally for expanding the boundaries of knowledge and presenting that knowledge in new and innovative ways within the intersecting worlds of art, culture, and nature. ROM's extensive exhibition schedule and public programs attract approximately 190,000 students and 1.3 million visitors or more in a typical year.
As we continue to work toward our goals to transform and evolve as one of the world's foremost 21st-century museums, we seek passionate and dynamic team members who embody our mission and values.
The Office of the Deputy Director of Collections and Research and Chief Innovation Officer invites applications for the Wendy and Leslie Rebanks Postdoctoral Fellowship (hereafter, Rebanks Postdoctoral Fellowship), which provides those who have obtained their doctorate in the last five years the opportunity to pursue their research with the support of one of Canada's foremost museums. The fellowship is for a 1-year term, renewable for a second year, and grants $55,000 per year with a comprehensive benefit package and a $2,500 research and travel stipend per year.
Reporting to the Co-Chief Curator of Art and Culture, Rebanks Postdoctoral Fellows are expected to spend most of their tenure in residence at ROM, except when arrangements are made for periods of fieldwork or research travel. Fellows will also be required to contribute approximately 10% of their time to public programming and outreach related to their research at ROM. They may also have the opportunity to assist with some aspects of exhibition development.
The ideal candidate will bring a fresh and dynamic perspective to one or more of the department's main research areas<> (Indigenous Americas, Archaeology of the Americas, Canada, Ancient Egypt & Nubia, Ancient Greece & Rome, Ancient Near East, China, Europe, Global Africa, Global Fashion & Textiles, Global South Asia, Islamic World, Japan, Korea, Asia-Pacific, Southeast Asia) contributing to innovative scholarship that broadens and diversifies existing narratives. You are a motivated and independent scholar who has earned your doctorate in the last five years with a proven ability to conduct high-calibre research. A passion for public engagement and collaboration is essential. Fellows are expected to contribute to ROM's mission by engaging with our audiences through public programming and outreach and potentially assisting with exhibition development. This role is an exciting opportunity to work closely with ROM's extensive collections and world-class curators to push the boundaries of research and cultural understanding.
* Conduct original research aligned with ROM's mission, leveraging the museum's extensive collections, archives, and resources.
* Contribute to advancing knowledge in one or more of the Department of Art & Culture's key research areas<> (Indigenous Americas, Archaeology of the Americas, Canada, Ancient Egypt & Nubia, Ancient Greece & Rome, Ancient Near East, China, Europe, Global Africa, Global Fashion & Textiles, Global South Asia, Islamic World, Japan, Korea, Asia-Pacific, Southeast Asia), with a focus on broadening and diversifying narratives within the field.
* Publish findings in peer-reviewed journals and other academic platforms, elevating ROM's reputation as a leading research institution.
* Engage diverse audiences through public programming and outreach, sharing your research in accessible and innovative ways.
* Have the opportunity to assist ROM curators and staff with some aspects of exhibition and gallery development and program initiatives.
* Foster connections between your research, ROM's collections, and broader cultural, academic, and community networks.
* Utilize your expertise to inspire curiosity, critical thinking, and dialogue among ROM visitors, students, and community members.
* Support ROM's commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion by contributing to research and programming that reflect and celebrate the diverse communities we serve.
* A Ph.D. earned within the last five years in a field relevant to ROM's Department of Art & Culture research areas.
* A strong academic background, demonstrated through publications, presentations, and innovative research projects.
* Expertise in one or more of the department's key areas, with a commitment to expanding and diversifying existing narratives. (To better understand what are the department's key areas, please get in touch withDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. or any curators at ROM's Art and Culture department).
* Proven ability to design, manage, and execute high-quality research projects within defined timelines.
* Strong communication and public engagement skills, with experience presenting research to diverse audiences in accessible and compelling ways.
* A collaborative mindset, with the ability to work effectively with curators, researchers, and other museum professionals.
* Passion for contributing to ROM's mission of connecting art, culture, and nature to inspire learning and foster community engagement.
* Dedication to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion through research and outreach activities.
* Flexibility to be in residence at ROM for most of the fellowship tenure, with potential travel for fieldwork or research purposes.
* Start date: as early as May 2025 or TBD
* Open date: January 10, 2025
* Close date: March 31, 2025
* Status: 1-year team, and renewable for the 2nd year, full time
* Employee group: Non-union
* Salary: $55,000
* Schedule: 35 hours weekly
* Probationary period: 6 months
* Location (hybrid): Toronto, ON
To apply for the Wendy and Leslie Rebanks Postdoctoral Fellowship, applicants are encouraged to contact ROM Curators to determine the feasibility of their proposed research and the availability of relevant resources, including collections, laboratories, archives, and library materials during the proposed tenure date. For more information, please contactDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. > -
Jan 14Dienstag, 14. Januar 2025 12:28
University of Oxford - The Queen's College
Junior Research Fellowship in Manuscript and Text Cultures
£37,174 plus discretionary Queen's weighting of £1,500 per annum
The Queen's College, University of Oxford, is offering a fixed-term (non-renewable) Junior Research Fellowship in Manuscript and Text for candidates who hold, or are close to completing, a doctorate in history, literature, language or a related field specialising in the ancient and early medieval Near and Middle East, the ancient and early medieval Mediterranean, the ancient and early medieval East, South, and South-East Asia, or early medieval Europe. Candidates' research should reflect the methods and concerns of the Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures, i.e., candidates should have a research agenda examining material aspects of writing and text-production, as well as transmission and the interface between the oral and the written, before the widespread adoption of printed texts and across the literate societies within their area of expertise. Candidates researching areas that are underrepresented in UK universities are particularly welcome to apply, as are those combining traditional humanities research with innovative use of information technology or AI, and those who seek to enhance their research by collaboration with colleagues from other disciplines.
As well as engaging in their own research, the Junior Research Fellow will be expected to take an active role in the interdisciplinary research Centre on Manuscript and Text Cultures<> (CMTC) at the College, a platform for international specialists and research students to engage in close dialogue across areas of expertise and inform each other about different approaches and theories of knowledge-production and text-transmission in pre-modern manuscript cultures. It is further expected that between the second and third year of their fellowship the Fellow will play a major role in convening an international interdisciplinary conference relevant to the activities of CMTC, and contribute to the subsequent scholarly publication.
The Fellowship offers early career researchers the opportunity to develop their research within one of the world's leading universities and so strengthen their future position in the academic job market. Many previous Junior Research Fellows have moved on to permanent faculty positions at leading world universities. The Junior Research Fellowship is tenable for a fixed term of three years and it is expected that the successful candidate will take up the post no later than 1st October 2025. Eligible candidates should have no more than two years of post-doctoral research experience by 1st October 2025.
We are committed to fostering equality, diversity, and inclusiveness. We particularly encourage applications from women, disabled people and people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, as these groups are currently under-represented in the College's academic staff.
Place of Work
Main College site in central Oxford.
Salary and Allowances
The annual salary for this post is £37,174 plus a discretionary pensionable £1,500 per annum Queen's Weighting payment which will be paid in monthly instalments. A personal academic allowance of £1,959 per annum is provided by the College for academic activities such as conference attendance, research assistance, and the purchase of books and IT equipment.
Closing Date
Midday 17th February 2025
Interviews are expected to be held in the week beginning Monday 17th March 2025.
Further Particulars and Application Guidance
Further Particulars are available at<>
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