Stipendien, Forschungspreise und Förderprogramme
Aug 22Dienstag, 22. August 2023 09:55
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)
Łukasz Berger has kindly asked for this information to be circulated:
We will be offering a two-year postdoc fellowship for a specialist in the metres of Roman comedy. The job is part of the research project "Conversation Analysis in Roman Comedy: Pragmatics, Prosody, and Performance" (2021/43/D/HS2/03113, Polish National Science Centre),
Workplace location: Collegium Maius, ul. Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań (Poland)
Anticipated job starting date: 01.10.2023 or as soon as practicable thereafter
Monthly salary: approx. 7.700 PLN per month (gross)
Deadline for application: 15.09.2023
Job offer description:
The post-doctoral fellowship includes work on the preparation of an online database of Plautus' and Terence's comedies. The researcher will - under supervision and in collaboration with the principal investigator - annotate the corpus of Roman theatrical speech with a particular focus on metrical and prosodic phenomena. The post-doc fellow will also conduct their own research based on the tools and the methodology developed within the project. During the two years of the fellowship, we expect active dissemination of research results (conferences, publications in renowned journals).
Required research, teaching or mixed experience
* PhD in Classical Philology (in Literary Studies or Linguistics)*;
* a high level of knowledge of Latin meter and measures used in Roman comedy, also confirmed by some high-quality publications (e.g., in international journals, edited volumes).
* high communicative competence in academic and international contexts;
* excellent command of the English language (including in writing);
* self-reliance, good organization of work, ability to work in a team;
* experience in writing scientific publications and preparing conference presentations.
* good computer skills.
About the project:
The texts of Roman comedies by Plautus and Terence (roughly 250-159 BC) are invaluable testimonies for two different social practices: (i) they are play-scripts created by a vibrant theatrical tradition in ancient Rome, while (ii) containing a unique representation of everyday communication in early Latin. This project uses Conversation Analysis - a method of examining talk-in-interaction - to identify the intersections of these two co-existing dimensions. Our premise here is that a conversation-analytic inquiry can help us not only to identify the aspects of the comedy dialogue that mimic real-life conversations in Latin, but it can also give us insights into how the script was designed to be easily managed on stage, e.g. how the performers were able to coordinate and organize their actions during the show. We want to shed new light on some understudied aspects of the Republican-time stagecraft, by offering a first integrated approach to Pragmatics, Prosody, and performance. Arguably, this type of research can provide us with strong insights about the organization of the theatrical talk, identifying the tensions between the naturalistic representation of conversations and the artistically shaped dramatic discourse.
Required documents
* Cover letter;
* Curriculum Vitae;
* Information on the Applicant's research (list of most relevant publications, participation in research projects, fellowships, awards)
* Scans of diplomas or certificates issued by colleges and universities attesting to education and degrees or titles held.
* Consent to the processing of personal data as follows: "In accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016. (OJ EU L 119/1 of 4 May 2016) I consent to the processing of personal data other than: first name, (first names) and surname; parents' first names; date of birth; place of residence (mailing address); education; previous employment history, included in my job offer for the purpose of the current recruitment."
The required documents should be sent by 15.09.2023 to the e-mail addressDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >
*PhD title obtained within 7 years before joining the project [This period may be extended by a time of long-term (in excess of 90 days) documented sick leaves or rehabilitation leaves granted on account of being unfit to work. In addition, the period may be extended by the number of months of a childcare leave granted pursuant to the Labour Code and in the case of women, by 18 months for every child born or adopted whichever manner of accounting for career breaks is preferable]. -
Aug 21Montag, 21. August 2023 20:37
Advertisement of 2 Scholarships for Doctoral Studies (October 2024 - September 2028) in the Doctoral Program: "Languages and Cultures of the Silk Road"
The Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is offering two doctoral scholarships to carry out a doctorate within the framework of "Languages and Cultures of the Silk Road" program.
Applicants must have an outstanding Master's degree (MA, MSt or MSc) in the subject Iranian studies, Near Eastern Archaeology, Prehistoric Archaeology, or East Asian Art and Archaeology, or be close to graduation. Doctoral researchers are expected to participate in Digital Humanities training offered as part of BerGSAS curriculum.
The doctoral program Languages and Cultures of the Silk Road<> covers Asia since prehistoric times and Central Asia. It concentrates mainly on the range of attested languages and literatures of Buddhist, Manichaean, Zoroastrian, and Christian communities. The Turfan Collection in Berlin provides a unique opportunity to study original materials. A wealth of recently excavated archaeological sites and find materials in Central and Eastern Asia allow new approaches to a number of old questions concerning the complex cultural history along the Silk Roads. Applicants are free to choose their topic, and it is important to remember that artifacts and texts that have already been published often have a lot more to reveal than has already been discovered. The following is an indication of the kind of topics possible and is not intended to exhaust or limit the possibilities.
PhD proposals in the field of Iranian studies: The focus is of Iranian languages and literatures until Late Antiquity and about the main religious streams current in the Iranian area, including Zoroastrianism, its origins, evolution and spread in Central Asia. Welcome are linguistic topics, e.g., studies of the verbal system and a detailed analysis of its use in Middle Persian or Parthian texts, the transition between Middle Persian and New Persian, Studies of the Sogdian Buddhist and Christian text tradition, problems of dialectological variation relating to religious communities, scribal conventions. Also welcome are studies on Avestan linguistics. Literary studies could be e.g., the composition of Manichaean Parthian hymn-cycles or the analysis of the constitution of the Middle Persian Zoroastrian literature and its relationship to the Manichaean one, etc. The composition of the Avestan corpus in Central Asia or Eastern Iran and the reasons and processes leading to its spreading in Western Iran are also of central interest. Religious subjects, especially concerning the multifarious relationships between the Manichaean and the Zoroastrian doctrines and with other communities would provide many interesting research topics as do also other problems of Zoroastrianism and its relationship to other Iranian religions (like the Bactrian religious system). Pre-knowledge of the textual body to be studied and a good working knowledge of relevant research languages are indispensable.
PhD proposals in the field of archaeology and art history: Technical and statistical analyses of excavated finds, detailed in-depth studies of particular object groups or materials, archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological studies related to environmental and climate change and societal transformations are welcome. In processing the source material, a holistic view of the entire living environment from which the material originates and an understanding of a broad transregional interconnectedness of phenomena is expected. We encourage discussions on current issues of the interdependence of archaeology, art, cultural history and colonial history, decolonization, indigenous concerns and viewpoints, restitution.
Who can apply?
The call is only open to applicants who do not have German citizenship and who have not yet obtained a PhD. Applicants must not have been resident in Germany for more than since 1 December 2022. The Master's degree must not have been obtained before 1 March 2018.
The scholarships are available from 1 October 2024 (Winter semester 2024/25) for four years, subject to a satisfactory annual review. In accordance with DAAD guidelines, doctoral scholarship holders receive a stipend of 1,200 EUR a month, a travel allowance, a health, accident and liability insurance policy, allowances for study & research (family allowances, depending on the individual situation and upon request); support for a pre-sessional German language course. Plus, material resources of 1,000 EUR per year, managed through the academic supervisor's institute.
Application process
Applications must be submitted via the BerGSAS portal by 1 November 2023, 00:00 CET, quoting the reference 2024-BerGSAS-GSSP. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
The application procedure takes place in two stages:
1st stage:
Please register at the BerGSAS application portal:
After you have created a personal account, you can begin to fill in the application form and you can upload your documents. It is possible to save the application form temporarily and continue with the data entry at a later date. Applications must be submitted by 1 November 2023, 00:00 CET.
BerGSAS will invite shortlisted candidates to an online interview within two months of the application deadline.
2nd stage:
BerGSAS will nominate the candidates selected for a scholarship to the DAAD. The DAAD will make the final decision and will inform you. Please note that admission to doctoral studies and the receipt of a scholarship is subject to assessment by the host university (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin or Freie Universität Berlin) and by the DAAD.
Application documents
Your application documents:
If registered at BerGSAS application portal<>, you will find at the bottom of the form the list documents required. This includes among other things copies of various documents (which do not have to be officially certified!).
· Certificate of a language examination in English e.g., IELTS Academic or TOEFL, at least B2 level. Please note: At the Freie Universität, a C1 certificate is required
Certificates of any academic degree (B.A. and M.A.) or advanced qualifications indicating grades and explaining the grading system of your home university
Two letters of reference:
Two letters of reference from university professors are required, one of which must be from a professor at your home university! The letters are confidential documents and should be sent as a PDF file by the university professors directly to:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >
Please note, it is mandatory that the universiprofessors use the DAAD template for their letter of recommendation, which can be downloaded here:
Application deadline
The deadline for your application is 1 November, 2023 at 00:00 CET. The selection committee will not consider incomplete or late applications. For further inquiries please contact the coordinator of the doctoral program: Dr. Regina Attula,Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. > -
Aug 21Montag, 21. August 2023 20:35
Advertisement of 2 Scholarships for Doctoral Studies (October 2024 - September 2028) in the Doctoral Program: "Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science"
The Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is offering two (2) doctoral scholarships to earn a PhD within the framework of "Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science" doctoral program of the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies.
We welcome applications from highly qualified graduates from the fields of: Ancient Philosophy, Classics, History of Ancient Science, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Arabic Philosophy and Science, Jewish Philosophy and Aesthetics
Applicants must hold an outstanding Master's degree (MA, MSt, or MSc) or equivalent in one of the aforementioned disciplines or be very close to completion.
Objectives of the doctoral program "Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science"
The doctoral program Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science<> is dedicated to ancient philosophy and the special sciences that developed in the ancient Mediterranean and ancient Near East, their interrelationship, their historical context as well as their later impact in the Arabic speaking world and the modern era. The main sources are scientific and philosophical texts, but also scientific instruments and other forms of material evidence. The program is divided into two curricular paths, which are selected before the beginning of the doctoral program.
For the Ancient Philosophy path, we particularly welcome dissertation proposals, which are concerned with ancient philosophy in the stricter sense and with the more general, intellectual and theoretical aspects of the ancient sciences (including mathematics, medicine, and other disciplines that we might not today consider special sciences, such as grammar or divination).
For the History of Ancient Science path, we welcome (but not exclusively) dissertation proposals that consider philological, historical, social and cultural aspects of the ancient scientific theories and practices in their social and cultural contexts, in the Graeco-Roman world as well as in the ancient Near Eastern, Early Christian and Islamic worlds.
Applicants are be expected to have sufficient command of the relevant ancient languages for their dissertation project. Since the language of instruction is predominantly English, your active language skills should be good enough to participate in discussions and to be able to write academic texts and papers.
Doctoral researchers are expected to participate in Digital Humanities training offered as part of BerGSAS.
Who can apply?
· The call is open ONLY to applicants who are not German citizens,
· Applicants may not have been continuously in Germany longer than since 1 December 2022,
· The MA degree must not have been completed before 1 March 2018,
· Applicants must not have completed a PhD previously.
Duration of scholarship and funding
The scholarships are available from October 2024 (Winter semester 2024/25) for four years, subject to a satisfactory annual progress review. In accordance with DAAD guidelines, doctoral scholarship holders receive a stipend of 1,200 Euros a month, a travel allowance, a combined health, accident and liability insurance policy, allowances for study and research (rent and family allowances, where applicable); financial support for a pre-sessional German language course. Plus, material resources and supervision allowance of 1,000 Euros per year, managed through the academic supervisor's institute.
Application process
Applications must be submitted electronically via the BerGSAS portal by 1 November 2023, 00:00 CEST, quoting the reference 2024-BerGSAS-GSSP. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
The application procedure takes place in two stages:
1st stage:
Please register at the BerGSAS application portal:
After you have created a personal account, you can begin to fill in the application form and you can upload your documents. It is possible to save the application form temporarily and continue with the data entry at a later date. Applications must be submitted by 1 November 2023, 00:00 CET.
BerGSAS will invite shortlisted candidates to an online interview within two months of the application deadline.
2nd stage:
BerGSAS will nominate the candidates selected for a scholarship to the DAAD. The DAAD will make the final decision and will inform you. Please note that admission to doctoral studies and the receipt of a scholarship is subject to assessment by the host university (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin or Freie Universität Berlin) and by the DAAD.
Application documents
Your application documents:
If registered at BerGSAS application portal<>, you will find at the bottom of the form the list documents required. This includes among other things copies of various documents (which do not have to be officially certified!).
· Certificate of a language examination in English e.g., IELTS Academic or TOEFL, at least B2 level. Please note: At the Freie Universität, a C1 certificate is required
Certificates of any academic degree (B.A. and M.A.) or advanced qualifications indicating grades and explaining the grading system of your home university
Two letters of reference:
Two letters of reference from university professors are required, one of which must be from a professor at your home university! The letters are confidential documents and should be sent as a PDF file by the university professors directly to:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >
It is mandatory that the professors use the DAAD template for their letter of recommendation! The template can be found at:
Application deadline
The deadline for applications is 1 November 2023 at 00:00 CET. The selection committee will not consider incomplete or late applications.
For further inquiries please contact the coordinator of the doctoral program:
Dr. Carmen Marcks-Jacobs, carmen.Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:carmen.%Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >
Aug 21Montag, 21. August 2023 20:28
Advertisement of 2 Scholarships for Doctoral Studies (October 2024 - September 2028) in the Doctoral Program: "Ancient Languages and Texts"
The Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is offering two (2) doctoral scholarships to earn a PhD within the framework of Ancient Languages and Texts doctoral program of the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies.
We welcome applications from highly qualified graduates from the fields of: Ancient History, History of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages; Ancient Oriental Languages; Ancient Philology: Greek (with Byzantine); Latin (Classical Latin, Middle and Modern Latin); Egyptology (with Coptology); Iranian Studies; Jewish Studies; Protestant Theology (with Old Testament, New Testament, Church History), Religious Studies; Roman Law.
Applicants must hold an outstanding Master's degree (MA, MSt, or MSc) or equivalent in one of the aforementioned disciplines or be very close to completion.
Objectives of the program "Ancient Languages and Texts"
The doctoral program Ancient Languages and Texts<> (ALT) focuses on the written heritage of ancient cultures which includes literary works as well as documentary texts like inscriptions and papyri. Also, research is carried out into phenomena of mediality such as the interaction between texts and pictorial representations. In this line of inquiry, traditional philological methods are being combined with historical and cultural issues. In addition to that, particular emphasis is placed on theories and approaches of modern literary studies and linguistics. Topics and methods in the digital humanities and computer philology also belong to the program ALT. Thus, the program is characterized by a plurality of methods and a wide understanding of the concept of 'a text'. Doctoral researchers are expected to participate in Digital Humanities training offered by BerGSAS.
Applicants are be expected to have sufficient command of the relevant ancient languages for their dissertation project. Since the language of instruction is predominantly English, your active language skills should be good enough to participate in discussions and to be able to write academic texts and papers.
Who can apply?
· The call is open ONLY to applicants who are not German citizens,
· Applicants may not have been continuously in Germany longer than since 1 December 2022,
· Your MA degree must not have been completed before 1 March 2018,
· Applicants must not have completed a PhD previously.
Duration of scholarship and funding
The scholarship is available from October 2024 (Winter semester 2024/25) for four years, subject to a satisfactory annual progress review. In accordance with DAAD guidelines, doctoral scholarship holders receive a stipend of 1,200 Euros a month, a travel allowance, a combined health, accident and liability insurance policy, allowances for study and research (rent and family allowances, where applicable), financial support for a pre-sessional German language course. Plus, material resources and supervision allowance of 1,000 Euros per year, managed through the academic supervisor's institute.
Application process
Applications must be submitted electronically via the BerGSAS portal by 1 November 2023, 00:00 CEST, quoting the reference 2024-BerGSAS-GSSP. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
The application procedure takes place in two stages:
1st stage:
Please register at the BerGSAS application portal:
After you have created a personal account, you can begin to fill in the application form and you can upload your documents. It is possible to save the application form temporarily and continue with the data entry at a later date. Applications must be submitted by 1 November 2023, 00:00 CET.
BerGSAS will invite shortlisted candidates to an online interview within two months of the application deadline.
2nd stage:
BerGSAS will nominate the candidates selected for a scholarship to the DAAD. The DAAD will make the final decision and will inform you. Please note that admission to doctoral studies and the receipt of a scholarship is subject to assessment by the host university (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin or Freie Universität Berlin) and by the DAAD.
Application documents
Your application documents:
If registered at BerGSAS application portal<>, you will find at the bottom of the form the list documents required. This includes among other things copies of various documents (which do not have to be officially certified!).
· Certificate of a language examination in English e.g., IELTS Academic or TOEFL, at least B2 level. Please note: At the Freie Universität, a C1 certificate is required
Certificates of any academic degree (B.A. and M.A.) or advanced qualifications indicating grades and explaining the grading system of your home university
Two letters of reference:
Two letters of reference from university professors are required, one of which must be from a professor at your home university! The letters are confidential documents and should be sent as a PDF file by the university professors directly to:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >
It is mandatory that the professors use the DAAD template for their letter of recommendation! The template can be found at:
Application deadline
The deadline for applications is 1 November 2023 at 00:00 CET. The selection committee will not consider incomplete or late applications.
For further inquiries please contact the coordinator of the doctoral program:
Dr. Carmen Marcks-Jacobs, carmen.Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:carmen.%Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >
________________________________ -
Aug 18Freitag, 18. August 2023 13:04
The Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is
offering two doctoral scholarships to carry out a doctorate within the framework of “Languages and Cultures
of the Silk Road” program at Freie Universität Berlin.
Applicants must have an outstanding Master's degree (MA, MSt or MSc) in the subject Iranian studies, Near
Eastern Archaeology, Prehistoric Archaeology, or East Asian Art and Archaeology, or be close to graduation.
Doctoral researchers are expected to participate in Digital Humanities training offered as part of BerGSAS
The doctoral program
covers Asia since prehistoric times and Central Asia. It concentrates mainly on the range of attested
languages and literatures of Buddhist, Manichaean, Zoroastrian, and Christian communities. The Turfan
Collection in Berlin provides a unique opportunity to study original materials. A wealth of recently excavated
archaeological sites and find materials in Central and Eastern Asia allow new approaches to a number of old
questions concerning the complex cultural history along the Silk Roads. Applicants are free to choose their
topic, and it is important to remember that artifacts and texts that have already been published often have
a lot more to reveal than has already been discovered. The following is an indication of the kind of topics
possible and is not intended to exhaust or limit the possibilities.
PhD proposals in the field of Iranian studies: The focus is of Iranian languages and literatures until Late
Antiquity and about the main religious streams current in the Iranian area, including Zoroastrianism, its
origins, evolution and spread in Central Asia. Welcome are linguistic topics, e.g., studies of the verbal system
and a detailed analysis of its use in Middle Persian or Parthian texts, the transition between Middle Persian
and New Persian, Studies of the Sogdian Buddhist and Christian text tradition, problems of dialectological
variation relating to religious communities, scribal conventions. Also welcome are studies on Avestan
linguistics. Literary studies could be e.g., the composition of Manichaean Parthian hymn-cycles or the
analysis of the constitution of the Middle Persian Zoroastrian literature and its relationship to the
Manichaean one, etc. The composition of the Avestan corpus in Central Asia or Eastern Iran and the reasons
and processes leading to its spreading in Western Iran are also of central interest. Religious subjects,
especially concerning the multifarious relationships between the Manichaean and the Zoroastrian doctrines
and with other communities would provide many interesting research topics as do also other problems of
Zoroastrianism and its relationship to other Iranian religions (like the Bactrian religious system). Pre-
knowledge of the textual body to be studied and a good working knowledge of relevant research languages
are indispensable.
PhD proposals in the field of archaeology and art history: Technical and statistical analyses of excavated
finds, detailed in-depth studies of particular object groups or materials, archaeobotanical and
zooarchaeological studies related to environmental and climate change and societal transformations are
welcome. In processing the source material, a holistic view of the entire living environment from which the
material originates and an understanding of a broad transregional interconnectedness of phenomena is
expected. We encourage discussions on current issues of the interdependence of archaeology, art, cultural
history and colonial history, decolonization, indigenous concerns and viewpoints, restitution.
Who can apply?
The call is only open to applicants who do not have German citizenship and who have not yet obtained a PhD.
Applicants must not have been resident in Germany for more than since 1 December 2022. The Master’s
degree must not have been obtained before 1 March 2018.
The scholarships are available from 1 October 2024 (Winter semester 2024/25) for four years, subject to a
satisfactory annual review. In accordance with DAAD guidelines, doctoral scholarship holders receive a stipend
of 1,200 EUR a month, a travel allowance, a health, accident and liability insurance policy, allowances for study
& research (family allowances, depending on the individual situation and upon request); support for a pre-
sessional German language course. Plus, material resources of 1,000 EUR per year, managed through the
academic supervisor's institute.
Application process
Applications must be submitted via the BerGSAS portal by 1 November 2023, 00:00 CET, quoting the
reference 2024-BerGSAS-GSSP. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. The application
procedure takes place in two stages.
1 Please register at the application portal:
After you have created your personal account, you can begin to fill in the application form and upload your documents.
It is possible to save the application form temporarily and continue at a later date. Applications must be submitted by 1
November 2023, 00:00 CET.
BerGSAS will invite shortlisted candidates to an online interview within two months of the application deadline.
2 BerGSAS will nominate the candidates selected. The DAAD will make the final decision and will inform you about. Please
note that admission to doctoral studies and the receipt of a scholarship is subject to assessment by the host university
(Freie Universität Berlin) and by the DAAD.
Application documents
If registered here, you will find at the bottom of the
form the list documents required. This includes among other things copies of various documents (which do
not have to be officially certified).
• Certificate of a language examination in English e.g., IELTS Academic or TOEFL, C1 level.
• Certificates of your academic degrees (B.A. and M.A.) with Transcript of records, or advanced
qualifications indicating grades and explaining the grading system of your home university
2 Letters of reference
Two letters of reference from university professors, one of which must be from a professor at your home
university. These letters are confidential documents and should be sent as a PDF file by the university
professors directly to:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.
Please note, it is mandatory that the universiprofessors use the DAAD template for their letter of
recommendation, which can be downloaded here:
Application deadline
The deadline for your application is 1 November, 2023 at 00:00 CET. The selection committee will not
consider incomplete or late applications.
For further inquiries please contact the coordinator of the doctoral
program: Dr. Regina Attula,Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. -
Aug 16Mittwoch, 16. August 2023 10:36
University of Cambridge - Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Newnham College
Stipend (for 2023/24): £36,024 (post-PhD) £32,332 (pre-PhD)
Newnham College, Cambridge invites applications from women graduates of any university for a Research Fellowship in subjects falling within the general field of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. The Fellowship is tenable for three years from 1 October 2024 and is not renewable or extendable.
The Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fellowship is a stipendiary or non-stipendiary research fellowship, open to graduates working in a field covered by one of the following Faculties of the University of Cambridge: Classics, Geography, History and Philosophy of Science, Modern and Medieval Languages (including Theoretical and Applied Linguistics), Music, Philosophy. Further information about these Faculties may be obtained from the University of Cambridge's website:<>. Newnham research students in the whole field of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences may apply, regardless of the subject listing. Applications are particularly welcomed from those who identify as being from Black, Asian or other minority ethnic groups.
Stipend (for 2023/24): £36,024 (post-PhD) £32,332 (pre-PhD).
Candidates are advised that a Research Fellowship is intended for a researcher early in their career. Applicants are expected to be either a graduate student, whose doctoral degree is complete or very near completion, or a post-doctoral researcher who has recently completed their PhD Degree.
Application information may be obtained from the College's website:<> and applications must be submitted on-line via the Application Information document to be found there.
This advertisement complies with legislation on sex discrimination, relying on the Equality Act 2010, Schedule 22, and Article 3 of the College Charter. Newnham College admits only those who are formally recognised as female and are identified as such on a current passport, driving licence, birth certificate or gender recognition certificate. This means women graduates, including transwomen graduates, and Assigned Female At Birth non-binary graduates are eligible to apply for Newnham's Research Fellowships.
Jul 21Freitag, 21. Juli 2023 20:58
(März 2024 – Feb. 2027)
in den Altertumswissenschaften und angrenzenden Disziplinen
Die Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS) schreibt mit Förderung durch die Einstein Stiftung Berlin (Einstein Foundation Doctoral Program) zum Sommersemester 2024 an der Freien Universität Berlin und der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin drei (3) Promotionsstipendien mit Beginn 01. März 2024 aus.
Bewerberinnen und Bewerber (m/w/d) sollen einen sehr guten Universitätsabschluss (M.A., M.St., M.Sc., Dipl.) in einem altertumswissenschaftlichen Fach oder in einer angrenzenden Disziplin vorweisen können.
Die Dissertationsprojekte sollten eine digital-research-Komponente aufweisen.
Jedes Stipendium ist mit € 1.468,- monatlich dotiert und wird zunächst für zwei Jahre gewährt, mit einer Verlängerungsoption für ein drittes Jahr nach positiver Evaluation. Die Ausschreibung erfolgt vorbehaltlich der Bereitstellung der Mittel.
Die Annahme eines Stipendiums ist mit der Aufnahme in eines der fünf Promotionsprogramme der BerGSAS ( verbunden, denen jeweils ein strukturiertes Curriculum zugrunde liegt. Mit dem Stipendium ist die Teilnahme an digitalen Komponenten des Curriculums verpflichtend verbunden.
Es wird empfohlen, mit der Hochschullehrerin bzw. dem Hochschullehrer, die/der als Erstbetreuerin/Erstbetreuer der Dissertation gewünscht wird, vorab Kontakt aufzunehmen. Eine Liste der an den Promotionsprogrammen der BerGSAS beteiligten Institute und Seminare ist über die Website des jeweiligen Programms einsehbar:
Bewerbungsfrist und Bewerbungsverfahren:
Bewerbungen sind mit Angabe der Kennziffer 2024-BerGSAS-EFDP bis zum 15. September 2023, 24.00 Uhr MESZ elektronisch über das BerGSAS-Portal einzureichen. Zu spät eingegangene oder unvollständige Bewerbungen werden nicht berücksichtigt.
Eine Bewerbung ist nur über das elektronische BerGSAS-Portal möglich. Das Verfahren ist zweistufig:
- Schritt: Bitte registrieren Sie sich in unserem Portal . Nachdem Sie Ihr Passwort generiert haben, können Sie bis zum Bewerbungsschluss Ihre Dokumente hochladen. Es ist möglich, das Antragsformular zwischendurch zu speichern und die Dateneingabe zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt fortzusetzen.
Nach der Registrierung haben Sie Zugang zur Liste der für die Bewerbung einzureichenden Unterlagen (s.u.).
- Motivationsschreiben (2-3 Seiten)
- Exposé/Skizze des Dissertationsvorhabens (8-10 Seiten)
- Arbeits- und Zeitplan für drei Jahre
- Lebenslauf
- Arbeits- bzw. Textprobe (15-20 Seiten, z.B. Kapitel aus der Masterarbeit)
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- Zertifikat über Englischkenntnisse der Niveaustufe C1 (GER) – dies ist nur für eine Zulassung an der Freien Universität erforderlich!
- Empfehlungsschreiben von zwei Hochschullehrerinnen / Hochschullehrern / Universitätsdozentinnen / Universitätsdozenten einzureichen. Diese werden gebeten, ihre Schreiben gesondert an folgende Adresse zu schicken:
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BerGSAS wird die in die engere Wahl gekommenen Bewerberinnen und Bewerber nach Ablauf der Bewerbungsfrist zu einem Online-Interview einladen. Die Mitteilung über das Ergebnis des Auswahlverfahrens erfolgt voraussichtlich im November 2023.
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Jul 18Dienstag, 18. Juli 2023 12:19
Call for Applications
Reference: KFG 01/2023
The Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences/ Kolleg-
Forschungsgruppe “Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations“ (FOR 2779) currently
invites applications for
Research Fellowships (3-6 months)
In the period of 01.10.2024 to 30.09.2025
Religion and Urbanity
The research group “Religion and Urbanity” (FOR 2779) investigates the co-constitution
and co-evolution of urban and religious life, actors, institutions and imaginaries in its
historical depth for cities in Europe, the Mediterranean and South Asia, from the first
millennium BCE onwards. Fellowships are awarded to scholars working in the Humani-
ties, especially in the fields of History, History of Religion or in the fields of Sociology
and Urban Studies with a focus on historical and religious developments in the pre-
modern era especially. During the second funding phase, the group will focus on pro-
cesses of ‘group formation and segmentation’, ‘mercantilisation’ and ‘boundary
The research group “Religion and Urbanity” is financed by the German Research Foun-
dation (FOR 2779). Its spokespeople are Prof. Dr. Susanne Rau and Prof. Dr. Jörg Rüpke.
The group is hosted by the Max Weber Kolleg, an Institute for Advanced Studies at the
University of Erfurt which hosts several interdisciplinary research groups under the um-
brella of its Weberian research programme.
You can find more information on the “Religion and Urbanity” website and the UrbRel
blog. Research results are continuously published on the open access platform “Religion
and Urbanity Online”.
We will provide fellows with office space including work facilities. Working languages
are English and German. The fellowships start either on 1 April or 1 September/ 1 Octo-
ber (beginning of the teaching terms at Erfurt University). Fellowships are usually
awarded for a duration of 3 to 6 months. Financial arrangements take the individual sit-
uation of the awardees of the fellowships into account and are based on the principle
“no loss, no gain” (e.g., covering of additional costs, compensating salary reductions or
payment for replacement teaching). Fellows are expected to reside in Erfurt.
To be eligible for a fellowship, candidates must propose a research project to be con-
ducted in Erfurt within the “Religion and Urbanity” framework and have an outstanding
academic record, at least one published monograph and a minimum of three years of
postdoc research experience. Fellows are required to participate actively in the interdis-
ciplinary and intercultural life of the Centre and to contribute to the weekly “Religion
and Urbanity” colloquia.
Please submit your application with
• a cover letter that indicates the preferred period of your stay at Erfurt
• an outline of the research project you would like to pursue addressing the group’s
research focus (3,000-5,000 words) with a stringent discussion of your a) research
questions, b) the state of research on the topic, c) the methodological approach and
the leading hypotheses as well as d) a working schedule with a projected date of
completion and publications of results
• a curriculum vitae and copies of your last university degrees
• a list of publications
• electronic copies of up to three of your monographs or articles relevant to the re-
search framework
as a combined pdf-file (maximum of 15 MB, publications may be presented in sepa-
rate files) and mentioning the reference number KFG 01/2023 until 1 October 2023 toDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. .
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr. Elisa Iori (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. ).
By submitting your application, you are agreeing with the conditions of using your data
as stated (together with your rights of data protection) in: [https://www.uni-
The University of Erfurt is an equal opportunities employer in compliance with the Thu-
ringian Equal Opportunities Act (Thüringer Gleichstellungsgesetz). It is committed to the
values of diversity and gender equality. It has been audited as a “family-friendly univer-
sity” and has received the rating “Equality excellent” for its programme supporting
female professors. Increasing the proportion of women in research and teaching is one
of the university's strategic goals; qualified female academics are therefore expressly en-
couraged to apply. Handicapped candidates are treated preferentially in the case of
equal suitability, professional performance and qualification.
The University of Erfurt seeks to actively promote the compatibility of families and ca-
reers, offering flexible working hours and further training opportunities as well as a
range of health and prevention offers as part of the company health management.
The University of Erfurt does not cover any costs incurred by the application. -
Jun 27Dienstag, 27. Juni 2023 17:48
Dans le cadre du projet de recherche « PapyBE - Papyrus dans les collections belges », porté par Gabriel Nocchi Macedo et Alain Delattre, l'Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) offre une bourse de doctorat de deux ans à temps plein, renouvelable une fois pour autant que l'épreuve de confirmation soit réussie, soit quatre ans en tout, pour travailler sur un lot de papyrus d'époque byzantine.
Description du projet : La dissertation doctorale s'inscrit dans un projet collaboratif sur les collections de papyrus conservés en Belgique, auquel le ou la doctorant.e participera. Il ou elle aura plus précisément la charge de l'édition et d'un ensemble de papyrus grecs documentaires d'époque byzantine provenant du village d'Aphrodité et conservés à l'UCLouvain. La thèse pourra être rédigée en français ou en anglais.
Profil : Titulaire d'un diplôme de master en langues et lettres anciennes. Le ou la candidate doit avoir une excellente maîtrise du grec ancien et une solide formation en papyrologie. Une bonne connaissance du français et de l'anglais est nécessaire (niveau C2 dans l'une des langues, minimum B2 dans l'autre).
Date limite des candidatures : 31 août 2023
Date d'entrée en fonction : 1er octobre 2023
Documents requis : Un CV accompagné d'une lettre de motivation, d'une copie des diplômes et d'un relevé de notes, ainsi qu'un exemple de texte académique de vingt pages maximum (par exemple un chapitre d'un mémoire de fin d'études). Une lettre de recommandation d'un chercheur confirmé ou d'un professeur doit être envoyée séparément.
Les candidatures sont à envoyer à l'adresse suivante :Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >
Pour tout renseignement complémentaire :Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >
PhD scholarship in Greek papyrology at Brussels
Within the project "PapyBE - Papyrus in Belgian collections", led by Gabriel Nocchi Macedo and Alain Delattre, the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) is offering a two-year full-time doctoral scholarship, renewable once if the confirmation test is passed, for a total of four years, to work on a group of papyri from the Byzantine period.
Description of the project: The doctoral dissertation is part of a collaborative project on papyrus collections preserved in Belgium, in which the doctoral student will participate. More specifically, he or she will be in charge of editing a collection of Greek documentary papyri from the Byzantine period from the village of Aphrodite, kept at the Catholic University of Louvain. The thesis may be written in French or English.
Profile: Master's degree in ancient languages and literature. The candidate must have an excellent command of ancient Greek and a solid background in papyrology. A good knowledge of French and English is required (level C2 in one of the languages, minimum B2 in the other).
Deadline for applications: 31 August 2023
Start date: 1 October 2023
Documents required: A CV accompanied by a cover letter, a copy of diplomas and a transcript of records, as well as a sample academic text of no more than twenty pages (e.g. a chapter from a Master's thesis). A letter of recommendation by a professor or a senior researcher should be sent separately.
Applications should be sent to the following addressDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. >
For further information:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. <mailto:Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. > -
Mai 31Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2023 12:57Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,die Archäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin schreibt zum sechsten Mal einen Preis für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler im Bereich der archäologischen Wissenschaften und ihrer Nachbardisziplinen aus. Prämiert werden soll ein deutschsprachiger Vortrag, der nicht nur wegweisende wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse präsentiert, sondern auch eine breitere Öffentlichkeit von den vorgestellten fachlichen Inhalten begeistert.
Der Margarete-Bieber-Preis ist mit 500 Euro dotiert.
Bewerbungsfrist ist der 7. Juli 2023.
Margarete Bieber-Preis der Archäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin 2023
Die Archäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin schreibt zum sechsten Mal einen Preis für
Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler im Bereich der
archäologischen Wissenschaften und ihrer Nachbardisziplinen aus. Dieser Preis ist nach der
bedeutenden Klassischen Archäologin Margarete Bieber (1879‒ 1978) benannt.
Margarete Bieber wurde 1907 in Bonn promoviert und war nach der Mathematikerin Emmy
Noether die zweite außerordentliche Professorin in der deutschen Universitätsgeschichte.
1913 wurde sie erstes weibliches Mitglied der Archäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin.
Prämiert werden soll ein deutschsprachiger Vortrag, der nicht nur wegweisende wissen-
schaftliche Ergebnisse präsentiert, sondern auch eine breitere Öffentlichkeit von den
vorgestellten fachlichen Inhalten begeistert. Der Vortrag soll die Relevanz der Archäologie in der
Gegenwart unterstreichen und zugleich dem gesellschaftlichen Interesse an archäologischen
Themen neue und auch unkonventionelle Perspektiven eröffnen. Erwartet wird eine
möglichst anschauliche und lebendige Präsentation des Vortrags.
Der Margarete-Bieber-Preis ist mit 500 Euro dotiert.
M.A. oder vergleichbarer Abschluss in einem einschlägigen Fach. Eine Promotion ist
erwünscht, aber keine Voraussetzung. Zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung darf die
Promotion nicht länger als zwei Jahre zurückliegen.
Exposé des Vortrags als pdf (2 Seiten DIN A4)
Präsentationsunterlagen, die im Hinblick auf das Ausschreibungsziel
aussagekräftig sind (PPT zum Exposé; im Idealfall auch ein Audio- oder
Videobeispiel in einem gängigen Dateiformat)
Lebenslauf und Publikationsverzeichnis
Bitte schicken Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen bis zum 07.07.2023 anDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. ; an diese Adresse können Sie auch Rückfragen richten.
Die Preisverleihung (mit Preisvortrag, ca. 60 Minuten) wird im Oktober 2023 stattfinden.
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